This patch
is a difference between the official
release (1.5.0) and the version I'm using.
It includes:
properly formatting procedures (not only within alevt-cap, but the GUI
too (unfortunately separate chars are still contiguous...)) The errors
in the original version can be seen on CNN 100 and (Polish) RTL7 300.
xawtv hacks
- keys '+', '-', PAGE_UP, PAGE_DOWN behave as in xawtv, so that you can
still change channels and volume while reading TeleText pages (that's just
'xawtv-remote' adapted and compiled in alevt, it's now very easy to add
new commands to ui.c. Wrongness of that solution is that it works
only with xawtv...
Edgar Toernig (froese at gmx de) doesn't like those patches and I understand his point of view.
Those patches (especially xawtv hacks) shouldn't be included in the official
release (at least in this form).
Last update: 29.07.2000